Teacher: Miss Moore
Teaching Assistant: Miss Collins
P.E. is on a Monday. Children must wear their PE kit to school on this day. Pumps or bare feet are permitted inside the hall.
Outdoor games is on a Friday. Children must come to school in their PE kit. A plain black tracksuit is recommended for the colder months.
Homework: Reading and TTRS points are counted on a Monday when new homework is also set. Sometimes the maths homework may vary so please check the sticker in your child's planner. Please remember to note reading in your child's planner.
Spelling Test: Spellings are tested on a Tuesday and children will then be given and taught the next spellings for the following week.
Remember to check Dojo regularly to see key information, photographs and to ask any questions.
Spring term
From learning about the Ancient Greeks to Greek pottery, children were thoroughly immersed in their history topic this term. Children also got to experience World Book Week and Science week. It certainly was a jam packed term of fun and learning!