Welcome to Class 5/4!
Teacher: Miss O'Toole
TA: Mrs Ireland
P.E - Thursday - PM
Games - Friday - PM
Homework - Homework includes reading at home (at least 5 times a week), practising spellings and practising times tables via TTRockstars.
Spellings - Spelling tests are every Monday or Tuesday depending on our timetable. Please help your child to learn their spellings at home.
Topics -
You can reach us via the ClassDojo app or alternatively by email or phoning the school office. We're usually at the year 5 door at the end of the day too if you want to catch us then or arrange an appointment. If the message is urgent please ring the school office.
We are really looking forward to our year ahead in class 5/4!
Useful Links
Accelerated reader book finder:
TT Rockstars: https://ttrockstars.com/
Sumdog: https://pages.sumdog.com/
Home learning:
Google classroom: https://classroom.google.com/h
Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/oa29lqituf562m9/AAC9LyRNrJu711y1CSyJy6l4a?dl=0