Register of Business, Financial & Material Interests
Name of Governor | Declared Interest |
Mr Adrian Antell | Junior School Headteacher |
Mrs Katy Coupland | Junior School Staff |
Mrs Jenny Benge | None |
Iain Brodie-Browne | None |
Mrs Jeni Cassidy-Wilde | None |
Mrs Angharad Collins | None |
Mrs Debs Dobson | Employed by Sefton MASH Team |
Mrs Claire Gillott | None |
Mrs Ruth Gray | None |
Mrs Ann Griffin | None |
Mrs Carla Hazlewood | None |
Ms Liv Meredith | Employed at Marshside Primary School |
Mrs Rebecca Miller | Junior School Staff |
Mrs Alison Murphy | None |
Mrs Olwen Pennington | None |
Mrs Jennifer Pomfret | None |
Mrs Jane Royds | None |
Mr Simon Shaw | Member of Sefton MBC Governor at Farnborough Road Infant School |
Name | Category | Date of Appt | Date of Leaving | Reason |
Mr Simon Coughlan | Associate Gov | 1.12.20 | 30.11.24 | Term of office ended |
Mrs Namrita Chow | Parent | 13.5.21 | 1.7.24 | Resigned |
Mr Trevor Condy | Co-opted | 14.9.15 | 24.11.23 | Term of office ended |
Mrs Lisa Burke | Parent | 7.1.19 | 6.1.23 | Term of office ended |
Mr Alex Tong | Staff | 19.11.18 | 18.11.22 | Term of office ended |
Mr Mark Vanner | Co-opted | 12.12.13 | 4.3.22 | Term of office ended |
Mr Anthony Crewe | Co-Opted | 14.10.11 | 20.7.21 | Resigned |