Cllr. Iain Brodie Browne - Chair of Governors
I am the founder and CEO of Imagine Independence a mental health charity based in Liverpool which provides services in Merseyside, Lancashire, Greater Manchester, Cumbria and four London Boroughs. I am also a Trustee of the Mental Health Providers Forum a consortium of the leading mental health charities in England and Wales, having worked previously for MIND and Age Concern.
I have been a Councillor for over 30 years. I was elected to Kew ward in 1984 for Kew ward and I have represented Birkdale since 2002.
I am proud to have been Chair of Governors at our school for over ten years.
Jane Royds - Vice Chair of Governors
Cllr Simon Shaw Co-opted Governor
I have been a Governor of Farnborough Road Junior School (and also of the Infant School) for over thirty years. My wife Lyn, was a Teaching Assistant in the school for more than fifteen years until she retired in 2014. Our four children attended both schools through the 1990s and our eldest son, Sam, is completing his PGCE in 2015/16 to qualify as a primary teacher.
I am a Chartered Accountant, which may explain why the other governors seem happy for me to continue as Chair of the Finance Committee. Having lived in Birkdale for most of my life, I am currently one of the elected councillors for the area.
Claire Gillott - Co-opted Governor
I have been a member of the governing body since 2012, initially as a parent governor and now as a co-opted governor.
Liv Meredith - Co-opted Governor
Prior to becoming an Co-opted Governor, I was a Parent Governor for 8 years and I sit on the Pastoral, Finance and Personnel committees.
I find being a Governor extremely rewarding and enjoy being part of a governing body that supports a superb leadership and staff team.
Ann Griffin - LA Governor
I moved to this area many years ago and both my sons commenced to attend the junior school. My neighbours assured me that the school had a good reputation. One it still has to this day, thanks to the dedication of the Headmaster and staff.
I have been a local authority governor since 2010 and serve on three committees: - curriculum, school environment and progress. I also volunteer two mornings per week to sit and listen to pupils read. The staff are very helpful and friendly. The children extremely polite. It is a privilege to take part.
Katy Coupland - Staff Governor
I have been a teacher at Farnborough for 9 years. I love being part of a school that aims to provide children with an inclusive learning environment. I am passionate about helping children reach their full potential through giving them many different learning experiences. I am excited to be part of the Governing Body and enhance my knowledge of how the school is run and contribute to the future success of Farnborough.
Jenny Benge - Co-opted Governor
I have recently joined the Governing body and look forward to joining the rest of the team who are dedicated to supporting Mr. Antell the staff of Farnborough Juniors.
I went to Farnborough Rd myself and have fond memories of my time there. We now have 3 boys of our own who are immersed in school life at Farnborough.
I work for the NHS as an Occupational Therapist for children. As well as challenging academically able children, I have a passion to see every child reach their full potential, not just academically but personally, socially and emotionally too.
I’ve a heart for reaching out to those less fortunate - as far afield as Ghana and as locally as Southport.
Debs Dobson - Co-opted Governor
I am honoured to be a parent governor and part of the dedicated team. I have 2 children who greatly immerse themselves into everything FRJS has to offer (and there’s lots).
I work as a Safeguarding Children’s Specialist Nurse within Sefton. This role I have done for over 12 years and enjoy – allowing me to be a voice for the child and ensuring their needs are forefront.
Jennifer Pomfret – Associate Governor
I bring an honest, enthusiastic, creative and hard-working approach to my work and I will bring the same qualities and attitude to this very important role. I look to work with parents, teachers, the Head and other Governors to help drive the continued improvement needed to provide our children with the best chance of success.
Being able to work locally and flexibly, I have been able to be very involved in Farnborough Road since my son started school in reception over 3 years ago; he is now in year 3. I’ve helped at many various PTA events over the years, which I’ve continued with since my son moved over to the junior school and I’ve accompanied the children on many school trips and visits. Being able to be so involved with my son’s school has become very important to me and I gain an awful lot of personal enjoyment from being so involved. This has also meant I’ve been able to build a relationship of trust and understanding with many of the school children.
My experience as a Head of Digital for Paymentshield, a Southport based insurance administration company, would be ideal in a world in which technology, education and business are now so key and I would be delighted to be given the opportunity to make a difference in the education of not just my son, but the wider school. My current position means I am experienced in attending and even fronting board meetings and I hope my professional experience, coupled with my close interaction with the children, will be of great benefit to the school.
Being available to listen to parents and pupils, bringing different skills to the school from professional life and caring passionately about the welfare of all involved in the school are the key qualities I believe a Parent Governor must possess. I hope to be an asset to the school, dedicating my time to being a proactive and effective school governor.
Rebecca Miller - Asssociate Governor
Being part of teaching and Farnborough road for 4 years has taught me what an incredible school I am part of. The school is an outstanding place for children to develop and grow, focusing on the individual needs of every child. As a teacher at the school I feel privileged to work alongside a motivating and enthusiastic team, who I can learn and develop from. I feel my knowledge for education and children's wellbeing is continuing to grow and am passionate about using this knowledge in a positive way as part of the Governing Body. I look forward to working alongside the Governors to ensure a difference and impact can be made within our school community.
Ruth Gray - Parent Governor
I became a parent governor in June 2022. My son has been at the school since year 2 and is now about to go into year 5. I went to Farnborough Road myself 30ish years ago, and it shaped me as a person right from the start, and I have some really fond memories. I wanted to become a governor so I can help support the school to give the same strong start to children now. My career and experience is in project management and governance, with a strong understanding of financials, which I hope will be useful for my role so I can add value to the school myself."
Alison Murphy - Parent Governor
I am proud to have the opportunity to support the school as a Parent Governor. As a parent, I am very much invested in the continuing success of our school and our children.
I have 2 daughters at Farnborough Road Schools; one in year 5 and one in year 2 (moving to juniors September 2023). My eldest child left for high school last year, after 7 years of fantastic support at Farnborough Road. I was brought up in Southport and was also pupil at Farnborough Road.
I am a qualified midwife and have spent plenty of time working within our local community, supporting family’s needs. Midwifery led me to become deputy manager of a local children’s centre for several years, working alongside the Headteacher and staff of the attached school, as a multidisciplinary team. My skills and experience in budget management, staff management, policy writing, service planning, child protection, safeguarding and working within a government led establishment, will be beneficial in the role of Parent Governor.
Since having my children, I have left my previous role and am now a successful business owner. I teach Yoga and run a Yoga studio. I have a keen interest in well-being and mental health, particularly for children.
I understand the constraints and demands faced by the school; particularly in the current financial climate, and I am keen to give my support to Farnborough Road and our children through these challenging times.’
Angharad Collins - Parent Governor
I moved to Southport, my husband's home town, in 2021 and have two daughters at the school. I work as a senior leader in the financial services industry and have experience and expertise in analysing data, delivering strategy and applying oversight through appropriate governance. I enjoy mentoring aspiring leaders, and I am passionate about supporting growth and development. I'm looking forward to applying my skills and committee experience in a different sector to support the school with its ongoing success for the benefit of all.
Olwen Pennington - Parent Governor
I have a son in Year five and a daughter in Year two. I am impressed with Farnborough Road schools and the range of opportunities available for every child.
Previously, I worked as an Information Manager in law firms, but since moving to Southport in 2015, I have worked in the library at Edge Hill University working closely with the academic departments.
I am very pleased to have the opportunity to support Farnborough Road Junior School as a governor and look forward to sharing my skills to support the success of the school.
Carla Hazlewood - Parent Governor
This is my first year as a Parent Governor and I’m excited at the prospect of this new challenge. My children have attended Farnborough Road Schools since joining Caterpillars Nursery. My son moved to juniors in September 2023, with my daughter following in September 2024. I’ve spent a lot of time in both the infant and junior schools, whilst planning events and activities with the PTA. I take great joy in seeing the children make such wonderful memories, beyond what they learn from the curriculum. School is first and foremost about learning but I place as much emphasis on the mental health and happiness of our children, whilst they’re at school. Development of life and social skills at school shape our children, their view of the world and the people they become now and in the future.
I look forward to sharing my skills and unique parental perspective, which I hope will be of use in ensuring the success of the school, for all.
Jeni Cassidy-Wilde
We moved to Southport 7 years ago and I have two young children one who is 5 and currently in year 1 and the other in year 4. Farnborough Junior school has developed a love of learning for my children who simply love coming to school every day. I currently work in a Secondary School in Liverpool. As an Assistant Headteacher and part of the Senior Leadership Team, I have led on whole school teaching and learning, personal development, safeguarding and Pupil Premium.
I have led the SEND department so have sound knowledge of how best to support students with additional needs. This involved working closely with parents and students to ensure
that every child could meet their potential. Currently I lead on whole school Personal Development, everything outside the academic curriculum, as well as being the safeguarding lead for school.
Originally a trained PE teacher, I have a wide interest in all aspects of sport and more importantly the life skills it allows students to develop.
As a passionate educator I would relish the opportunity to offer support to Farnborough Road school as a part of the governors and offer the support, guidance and challenge, I have received from our governors.