Welcome to 4/1 Class Page
Class Teacher: Miss Moore
Class teaching assistant- Mrs Dexter
Learning support teachers- Mrs Williams and Mrs Ryder
Important Information:
Indoor PE- PE is on a Thursday. Children will need to wear their PE kit into school (Including plain black jacket and tracksuit bottoms) but will need to have shorts on underneath any tracksuit bottoms. Pumps or bare feet are permitted in the hall.
Outdoor Games- Games are on Friday. Children can wear their PE kit into school.
Homework- Maths or occasional special activity homework will be given out on a Friday and must be completed by the following Wednesday.
Spellings- Spellings will be given out on a Monday and tested the following Monday. (Tuesday for bank holidays etc).
Reading- Reading must be completed 5 times a week. Planners need to be signed with the page numbers and signature of an adult.
Contacting us:
You can reach us via the Class Dojo app or alternatively by email or phoning the school office. Messages cannot be monitored during lesson times, if the message is urgent then please phone the school office. We're also available at the end of the school day by our classroom doors if you need to speak to us or to arrange an appointment.