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Farnborough Road Junior SchoolBelonging together, learning together, achieving together


Welcome to Farnborough Road Junior SchoolBelonging together, learning together, achieving together


Teacher: Mrs Wright (Mon, Tues, Wed)  Mrs Thompson (Thurs, Fri)

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Curran


P.E. is on a Thursday. Children must wear their PE kit to school on this day. Pumps or bare feet are permitted inside the hall.
Outdoor games is on a Tuesday. Children must come to school in their PE kit. A plain black tracksuit is recommended for the colder months.
Homework: Reading and TTRS points are counted on a Monday when new homework is also set.

- Reading is a minimum of 5 times per week, signed in the planner by the adult who has heard the child read.  This only needs to be 5 minutes per read.

- Maths - this can be TTRS which is a 200 point challenge or Sumdog which is 50 correct answers.

Please check the sticker in your child's planner. Please remember to note reading in your child's planner.
Spelling Test: Spellings are tested on a Tuesday and children will then be given and taught the next spellings for the following week. 


Keeping in touch - please send any messages via dojo to the class teacher.
