Welcome to Year 6
Class Teachers:
6/1 - Mrs Coupland
6/2 - Mr Coughlan
6/3 - Mr Spall (Year leader)
6/4 - Mrs Russell/Mrs Collins
Our topics:
Autumn - World War 2
Spring - Disasters
Summer - South America
Children are expected to read a minimum of 5 times a week at home, with this forming part of their homework allocation for the week.
In addition to this, pupils will be given weekly spellings and some maths/english homework (usually online). Homework should be completed and returned on or before the Wednesday of the following week.
When your child has completed a book at home, they will complete an online quiz (in school) using Accelerated Reader. This quiz will test their comprehension and understanding of what they have read.
Any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher to discuss this further.