At Farnborough Road, our intent for mathematics is to teach a rich, balanced and progressive curriculum using maths to reason, problem solve and develop fluent conceptual understanding in each area. We want learners to think about maths beyond just what is tested in national examinations and to be equipped with an understanding of mathematics that will be relevant and useful in their future studies.
Our curriculum looks to provide opportunities to allow children to better make sense of the world around them by making connections between mathematics and everyday life. Our policy, resources and personalised curriculum support our vision. The structure of the mathematics curriculum across school shows clear progression in line with age related expectations. We teach curriculum content in the order of the White Rose blocks as this allows children to explore skills and knowledge in depth and to gain a secure understanding of the national curriculum objectives, however where we feel it is appropriate, teachers are flexible and make adjustments to spend either more or less time on particular topics in order to best meet the needs of the children.
Key knowledge and skills are also revisited regularly (one way being through various calculations we call ‘4 a day’ at the start of each lesson) allowing repetition to embed learning. A concrete, pictorial, abstract approach provides children with a clear structure in which they can develop their depth of understanding of mathematical concepts. We aim to ensure that mathematics is a high-profile subject which children view positively with a ‘can do’ attitude.
Our curriculum map is based on the White Rose yearly overview which sets the curriculum out in blocks enabling children to get to grips with different areas of maths over each term. Alongside the White Rose materials, we use many other resources to ensure that our provision is rich and varied. These include Classroom Secrets, NCETM, NRich, Third Space Learning, Test Base and our own tailor-made resources. We plan for different learning styles and to ensure coverage of varied fluency, problem solving and reasoning skills.
Good practice is shared across the school and resources and equipment are audited so that children have effective materials to support their learning. Our resources allow us to better use models and images to support learning in each area and enable the progression from concrete to pictorial to abstract. Children are familiar with these resources and can access them independently (‘choose to use’ area). Teachers follow the school’s agreed calculation policy for progression in written and mental calculations. Correct mathematical vocabulary is used by teachers and TAs and this is discussed with and explained to children who are then encouraged to use it independently when talking about maths.
Rapid intervention for maths takes place for children who struggle with their work in a lesson. Those children with SEND receive extra support, where needed, as part of the adaptive teaching in their maths lessons. As with all of the children, this may be through scaffolding, flexible grouping, use of concrete resources, variations in recording styles or with the level of adult support given. Pre-teaching can also be used where needed. Fluency is developed through repeating, reinforcing and revising key skills. Regular arithmetic takes place in all year groups.
The impact of our mathematics curriculum is that children understand the relevance and importance of what they are learning in relation to real world concepts. Children should know that maths is a vital life skill that they will rely on in many areas of life. Through discussion and feedback, (pupil voice and learning walk pupil chats) children talk articulately using mathematical language and vocabulary about their maths lessons and speak with enthusiasm about their learning in maths.
They have a positive view of maths due to learning in an environment where maths is promoted as being an enjoyable subject in which they can investigate and ask questions. They can talk about the context in which maths is being taught and relate this to real life purposes. Pupils know that it is normal to make some mistakes along their learning journey to finding an answer and teachers encourage them to always ‘have a go’ and choose the equipment they need to help them to learn along with the strategies that they think are best suited to each problem.
FRJS children have a good understanding of their strengths and targets for development in maths due to our system of mentoring meetings and they know what they need to do to improve. Our maths books evidence work of a high standard and demonstrate good coverage of fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Intervention aims to support children to master any misconceptions so they can be the best mathematicians they can. Our school standards are high and we moderate our books regularly to ensure consistency and progression. At the end of Year 6, we expect an above average amount of learners to have achieved Age Related Expectations (ARE) for their year group. Some children will have progressed further and achieved greater depth (GD).
(full version of Intent, implementation and impact document can be found below)