Accelerated Reader
This year we are using Accelerated Reader to track the children's progress in reading and to set school reading books. Here is the link for their website which children will need to log in:
Welcome to Year 6
Class teachers:
6/1 Miss Spence
6/2 Mr Spall
6/3 Mr Tong
6/4 Mrs Johnstone (Assistant Head and Year 6 Leader)
Teaching Assistants:
6/1 Mrs Hibell
6/2 Mrs Lowery
6/3 Mrs Hayes
6/4 Mrs Knight
Our Topics:
Autumn Term - World War Two
Spring Term - Disasters
Summer Term - South America
We expect the children to read each night and practise spellings and times tables. In addition to this, they will be set some online English and/or Maths Homework.
On completion of their reading book (this has been provided by school) they will complete a set of questions in school to assess their understanding of the book they have read. You can help your child by listening to them read and discuss each chapter with them along with any unfamiliar words so as to improve and widen their vocabulary.
Any questions please don't hesitate to contact your child's class teacher where they will always be happy to help.
Children in Y6 take SAT exams in May. The following link may be a useful resource if you want your child to do additional work at home:-
My Key Learning
Key learning for each subject and for each term is contained within the PDFs below.