School Council 24/25
3.1 - Bunny
3.2 - Evie
3.3 - Summer
3.4 - Eva
4.1 - Isabella
4.2 - Samuel
4.3 - Tamsin
4.4 - James
5.1 - George
5.2 - Alexa
5.3 - Elis
5.4 - Connie
6.1 - Ava
6.2 - Kylie
6.3 - Yannis
6.4 - Ella
3.1 - Joshua G
3.2 - Clare S
3.3 - Eddie W
3.4 - Alexandra M
4.1 - Georgia J
4.2 - Havana M
4.3 - Abigail D
4.4 - George S
5.1 - Evie K
5.2 - Olivia C
5.3 - Lily M
5.4 - Skyler C
6.1 - Isabella R
6.2 - Charlie K
6.3 - Henry W
6.4 - Eilidh S
Our School Council Members
Year 3
3/1: Maisie
3/2: James and Gabby
3/3: Oscar
3/4: Seth
Year 4
4/1: Iris
4/2: Grace
4/3: Lucy, Harriet and Isabel
4/4: Katie
Year 5
5/1: Lyla
5/2: Sophie
5/3: Millie and Oliver
5/4: Molly
Year 6
6/1: Poppie and Isla
6/2: Charlie and Samuel
6/3: Amy and Jess
6/4: Arthur
School council 2021/2022
We have held our school council elections for this school year and each class has voted for a representative to stand on our council, and a deputy member to help support their decisions. Our school council members are:
3.1 - Daisy and Hannah
3.2 - Jake and Peggy
3.3 - Emily and Ben
3.4 - Hugo and Henry
4.1 - Abigail and Tilly
4.2 - Ethan and Leilah
4.3 - Ava and Pijus
4.4 - Mason
5.1 - James and Ella
5.2 - Neve and Talia
5.3 - Hayden and William
5.4 - Matthew and Aurora
6.1 - Hollie and Frankie
6.2 - Milly and Jimmy
6.3 - William and Neve
6.4 - George and Alyssa
SLP Partnership
James, Ella, William and Neve represented our school at Meols Cop High school for the Sefton Learning Partnership meeting. The aim of this was to share school council ideas and fabulous work and projects across a range of schools in Sefton. The Mayor of Sefton was present to listen to the children's ideas about the future of our local area and discuss our school council project link with Birkdale Park care home and St John's church in Birkdale. Some fantastic ideas were shared from all participating schools and it was a wonderful event. The children did a fantastic job representing FRJS.
It was really lovely to be able to run our first school council meeting in the usual way this year, all together as one team, and not in class bubbles like last year! During our first meeting we introduced ourselves to each other, and with the help of Miss O’Toole and Miss Moore, we came up with some fantastic projects for this school year, which we are excited to be getting on with. We have already discussed what charities we would like to be supporting this year. Here are our three main planned events:
1. Love my community - A day where we all come together to support a local charity - Southport lifeboats
2. A nationwide charity fundraiser - Shelterbox campaign
3. School charity : Cystic Fibrosis.
We also discussed our thoughts on reintroducing the school snack trolley. Discussions have taken place in each class and ideas of healthy snacks have been suggested. Watch this space for more on that in the new year!
Our big school project!
After the success of last years Christmas hampers which were sent to 16 carehomes in our local community, we realised what a big difference such a small gesture made to so many elderly people in our community. This year, we have been chosen as one of 100 primary schools in the UK to take part in an intergenerational linking project, where children connect with elderly people in our community through sharing stories between generations, taking part in activities together and sharing words of wisdom. We have linked up with Birkdale Park carehome and wow, what a lovely start to the project we have had so far! You can find more information on this project below!
Further information:
Windmills Foundation developed the Words of Wisdom last year which is an intergenerational SMILE Challenge linking younger and older people together. Due to its success we have secured funding from the Dunhill Medical Trust and National Lottery to be part of the national CHF&Ns intergenerational linking project.
This project aims to connect care homes for older people with a local school or youth organisation so that both younger and older people can engage together in a range of activities. These activities could range from working on a gardening project together to creating artwork together through to music, oral history and telling stories. The details of your project will be decided by yourself and the school or youth organisation that you are linked with, so that everyone involved helps shape what would be meaningful to do together during this challenging time.
As well as meaningful connections between generations, the project offers children and young people the opportunity to be part of youth-led social action and develop their own leadership abilities: the project is being funded through the #iwill fund, a joint investment between The National Lottery Community Fund and the Department of Digital, Culture, Media & Sport.
We have held our school council elections for this school year and each class has voted for a representative to stand on our council. Our school council members are:
3.1 - Harry S
3.2 - Autumn W
3.3 - Chloe W
3.4 - Lucas O
4.1 - Ruby H
4.2 - Evie S
4.3 - Lexie F
4.4 - George L
5.1 - Kiera R
5.2 - Angus S
5.3 - Dylan Z
5.4 - Chloe P
6.1 - Charlie T
6.2 - Amelia M
6.3 - Sarah H
6.4 - Oscar R
The way we run our school council will be very different this year due to the children being in class and year group bubbles, however our representatives won't let this stop them and have already come up with some fantastic ideas for this school year. Miss O'Toole will be working with years 5+6 and Miss Moore will be working with year 3+4 to bring together suggestions and help to make events happen. We have already discussed what charities we would like to be supporting this year. Here are our three main planned events:
1. Love my community - A day where we all come together to support a local charity - Queenscourt Hospice
2. A nationwide charity fundraiser - WWF
3. School charity : Royal National Lifeboat institution.
Christmas Hampers
School council have been working hard on a wonderful project to help combat loneliness in the local community. They have decided to focus on making connections with the local care homes and their residents who have missed out on much needed contact with their loved ones this year.
The children shared some heartwarming ideas and decided that they’d like to send a small token to each home to let them know that we are all thinking of them. They have created small hampers filled with gifts and treats which the residents can enjoy. Each school council member has been promoting this in class and has encouraged every child to make a handmade card to go with the hampers.
Hampers will be delivered over the next few days and will no doubt spread some much needed Christmas cheer.
Other plans for this academic year
We have also been busy discussing our other focus' for this school year. The following ideas were discussed:
Some of our school council members went to Greenbank high school with Miss Moore to meet the other council representatives from other Southport schools to plan what events we would be taking part in throughout this year. We also discussed what charities we might be supporting. We were asked to go back to school and meet with the other members of our own council to discuss ideas for three main events.
1. Love my community - A day where we all come together to support a local charity.
2. A nationwide charity fundraiser.
3. A way to celebrate the achievements made through school council members during this academic year.
It was lovely to be able to meet with other members in our Southport cluster!
Our plans for this year:
We had our first meeting as school council representatives. It involved lots of discussion and we came up with lots of ideas for this school year. These include:
Soon, we have another cluster meeting to discuss which charities we would like to raise money for this year.
Some of our school council members went with Miss O’Toole to another cluster meeting at Greenbank high school to meet with other representatives from the other local primary schools. Each school spoke about their ideas for charities they think we should support this year, and then we had a vote. This year all schools will be having a ‘funky sunglasses day’ to raise awareness for Marfan Syndrome, and a ‘black and white’ mufti day to raise money for WWF. We also discussed a beach clean up for in the summer term.
Every year, schools around the country come together to help raise money for children in need. This year, our school council members discussed the different ways we could do this at Farnborough Road, however, after much discussion, we decided to stick with our usual spotty mufti. School council are planning a bake sale for this event to help raise some extra funds.
As part of a cluster meeting that was held earlier on in the year, school council members were asked to help raise awareness of healthy eating in schools. We had a big discussion about our snack trolley, and whether there were any new foods we would like adding to it, or any snacks we thought needed taking off it as they were not deemed ‘healthy’. Our school council members sent out a questionnaire to each class for the children to fill in and give their opinions about our current trolley. The results concluded that most children liked what was provided, but at the end of every term as a treat, they would like something sweet on there.
We have also arranged both a vegan and vegetarian day in school. We decided to do this as lots of children in our school have different dietary requirements and we wanted to show other children what sort of foods you can and can’t eat as a vegan or vegetarian. On vegetarian day, we had a choice of either quorn spaghetti bolognese or a vegetarian curry. When we went vegan for the day, our menu choices included cheese and onion pie and vegetable wraps and chips.
On Friday 14th February we celebrated our ‘Love my community’ event. This year we carried out fundraising activities in aid of the Marfan Trust, a small charity that researches Marfan syndrome and supports those affected. The school council members of Southport learning partnership decided to support this charity after hearing about a family in a local school that suffers from the condition. All children in our school came to school in MUFTI and sunglasses for the day in return for a £1 donation.
22 schools got involved with this and together we raised a huge sum of £6282.16.
At one of our recent meetings in school, our council members decided they wanted to start up a gardening club. We decided as a group that we would begin this in the summer term after deciding on plans to renovate the green space by our chickens. To get us started with something, one of our year 3 members suggested planting some herbs. We all agreed this was a great idea, so Mrs Stevenson went and bought us some gardening gloves and spades. We have really enjoyed getting messy in the soil, and going out and watering our seeds.