I am sure you are all still coming to terms with the devastating loss of three young children in Southport. Coupled with the injuries to so many other children and adults and then the unrest in the same week, it has been a truly horrific time for the whole community.
The positive response from Southport has been overwhelming however and it is this positivity that we need to build on in the coming weeks and months as we look to recover.
Talking to your child about these incidents is very difficult. Adults also need to look after their own mental health whilst supporting their children.
The documents and links on this page are there to help.
Talking to your Child
The Sefton Educational Psychology Team have been working with Jenny Nock, an expert in Child Developmental Psychology, to develop a training video around helping children at times of community trauma.
The video is in 3 parts with a natural break in between each part so please do not feel you have to watch all 3 sections at the same time. It offers practical advice around talking to children about difficult subject matter.
Useful Websites