Class Teachers:
4/1 Miss. Moore
4/2 Miss. O'Toole
4/3 Mrs. Croft/Mrs. Allen
4/4 Mrs. Craggs - Year Leader
Teaching Assistants:
4/1 Mrs. Ryder and Mrs. Williams
4/2 Miss. Robinson
4/3 Mrs. Dexter
4/4 Mrs. Marshall and Miss. Bates
Our Topics:
Autumn Term - Invaders and Settlers
Spring Term - Chocolate
Summer Term - Habitats
Reading each night (please record and sign your child's planner to show this has been completed)
Times Tables (TTRockstars)
Your child may be provided with a reading book following our Accelerated Reading Programme. When they finish their book, they will complete a short quiz in school on the IPADs to check their understanding of the texts. If your child is on Accelerated Reader, they will be given two numbers (ZPD) which they will use as a guide to help them find a book correctly suited to their reading age.
My Key Learning - Termly overviews