Class Teachers:
4/1 Mr. Coughlan
4/2 Miss. O'Toole
4/3 Mrs. Croft/Mrs. Allen
4/4 Currently Miss. Baxter as cover for Mr. Hanlon
Teaching Assistants:
4/1 Mrs Marshall and Mrs Gannon
4/2 Mrs Jones and Miss Robinson
4/3 Mrs Ainley and Mr Regan
4/4 Mrs Taylor
Our Topics:
Autumn Term - Invaders and Settlers
Spring Term - Chocolate
Summer Term - Habitats
Reading each night (please record and sign your child's planner to show this has been completed)
Times Tables (TTRockstars)
Your child will be provided with a reading book following our Accelerated Reading Programme. When they finish their book, they will complete a short quiz on the school IPADs to check their understanding of the texts. Your child has been given two numbers (ZPD) which they will use as a guide to help them find a book correctly suited to their reading age.
Spelling lists
My Key Learning - Termly overviews