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Farnborough Road Junior SchoolBelonging together, learning together, achieving together


Welcome to Farnborough Road Junior SchoolBelonging together, learning together, achieving together

Promoting British Values

We promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs through a variety of approaches:


  • Where the topic areas of the curriculum provide opportunities to explore these issues we teach them discretely through topic work.
  • Our assembly programme, delivered by school staff and a range of visiting speakers [including those from a variety of faiths] is used to promote these values.
  • Our PHSE curriculum includes the key aspects of British Values, alongside other issues relating to healthy choices and staying safe.
  • Through our day to day work we reinforce the importance of British Values in our daily lives [Rule of law through rules rights and responsibilities, value of democracy through school council, understanding of different faiths and beliefs through RE].
  • The PDF below contains further information on how we promote British Values.

No Outsiders


What does modern Britain look like and how do we prepare our children for life in an ever-changing world? We want our children to be able to live and work anywhere and with anyone without fear and without judgement.


Schools need a strong, confident framework where young people are taught to explore and value their own identities and the identities of others. No Outsiders is a whole school ethos teaching children that everyone is different, and everyone belongs: there are no outsiders at our school because everyone is welcome.


Using picture books and a common language threaded throughout the school, we can work to challenge prejudice in wider society.


Each half term, the children will share a book in class with lots of discussion and an activity based on what theme they are covering. A weekly assembly will be held with each year group.
