We promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs through a variety of approaches:
No Outsiders
What does modern Britain look like and how do we prepare our children for life in an ever-changing world? We want our children to be able to live and work anywhere and with anyone without fear and without judgement.
Schools need a strong, confident framework where young people are taught to explore and value their own identities and the identities of others. No Outsiders is a whole school ethos teaching children that everyone is different, and everyone belongs: there are no outsiders at our school because everyone is welcome.
Using picture books and a common language threaded throughout the school, we can work to challenge prejudice in wider society.
Each half term, the children will share a book in class with lots of discussion and an activity based on what theme they are covering. A weekly assembly will be held with each year group.