In order to help our school promote reading, we recruited a Reading Ambassador from every class. The children were nominated by the rest of their class for their love of reading and their enthusiasm to share this with others.
Pupil Voice - The children will work with the Reading leader to ensure that high quality texts and a positive reading atmosphere are a high priority in our school. Part of their role will be to share book reviews and recommendations across the school, be involved in the organisation of book events such as World Book Day and author visits, to create displays with a focus on a particular author or genre of their choice, offer advice and support to their friends about what to read and to assist in purchasing new books that are relevant and exciting for all age groups across school.
All of our Reading Ambassadors are proud of their role.
Rowen and Phoebe, two of our Year 6 Reading Ambassadors comment:
' Reading gives you chance to escape to another world; you can go wherever you want!'
George and Evie from Year 6 comment:
'Reading helps you learn new words,' and 'Everyone should believe they have the ability to read.'
Rosie-Mae, one of our Year 4 Ambassadors commented:
'I would love our whole school to go into town to a book shop to share books and buy new ones for our school.'
Kristie, a Year 5 Ambassador would love to create posters around school to promote good books to read.
Our children are incredibly proud of their role and are looking forward to exciting times ahead.
Our Year 5 and Year 6 Reading Ambassadors visited Broadhursts Bookshop in Southport. The children spent time looking around this magical maze of a bookshop and each received a goody bag to take home.
Dan from 600 degrees, is a father of three children who all attended school in Southport and recognises the importance for every child to become a reader. He has kindly donated money in order for the children to choose and buy books to take back to school for every child to enjoy reading for pleasure.
Every year group now have their very own 'Reading Tree', a special shelf that holds books for any child to read when they want to. The books our ambassadors bought at Broadhursts will be placed onto these shelves. They include a mixture of fiction and non-fiction so something for everyone!