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Farnborough Road Junior SchoolBelonging together, learning together, achieving together


Welcome to Farnborough Road Junior SchoolBelonging together, learning together, achieving together

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5


Class Teachers:

5/1 Mrs Johnstone (Assistant Head & Year Leader)

5/2 Mr McGlincy

5/3 Mrs Barton

5/4 Miss Gillett


Teaching Assistants:

5/1 Ms Lough & Mrs Moville

5/2 Mrs Holmes-Smith

5/3 Mrs Knight & Mr Regan

5/4 Mrs Bigland (HLTA)


Our Topics:

Autumn Term - World War One

Spring Term - Space

Summer Term - Tudors



Reading each night (please record and sign your child's planner to show this has been completed)


Times Tables (TTRockstars) or Sumdog

Maths or English activity


Your child will be provided with a reading book following our Accelerated Reading Programme. Please support your child with their reading by listening to them read and asking them questions about what they have read. This will also be assessed in school where they will complete a quiz to check their understanding. 
