Learning Support At Farnborough Road Junior School
At Farnborough Road we adopt an inclusive approach to school. We strive to ensure all children have their needs met through a collaborative approach from parents, professionals and outside agencies.
Our Learning Support Department is lead by Mrs Alex Spall, our school SENDCo. She can be contacted directly via her email; alexspall@frjs.co.uk
All the teachers at Farnborough Road Juniors are teachers of children with Special Educational Needs. We adopt a 'whole school approach' to SEND that involves all staff following best practice based on Quality First Teaching. The staff of the school are committed to identifying and providing for the needs of all children in an inclusive environment.
From time to time many children may require additional support to ensure we meet their needs and enable them to make progress. Some children require on going additional support to ensure they are able to access the curriculum and can be fully included in school life.
We follow a graduated approach with four stages in the cycle to ensure we meet pupil's needs:
There are three steps or waves of teaching and support:
Wave 1 High quality, inclusive teaching for all pupils. This is known as Quality First Teaching
Wave 2 Enhanced Quality First Teaching with a Pupil Passport to ensure provision is made for an identified need
Wave 3 Targeted intervention and support with an SEN Support Plan