English Subject Lead: Mr T Burton
At Farnborough Road Juniors, we are passionate about the children unlocking and exploring their potential as readers, writers, poets, performers and communicators. We want them to discover the delights of reading for pleasure, creatively express themselves in their writing and unlock the rewards of engaging with others as performers.
A rich variety of classic and modern literature as well as non-fiction enables the children to reach into imaginative worlds and make new discoveries whilst becoming fluent, competent readers. In reading we focus on developing a range of strategies enabling pupils to confidently tackle unfamiliar vocabulary and to be confident in their understanding of what they have read. We use Oxford Reading Tree as our core reading scheme for children in Year 3, then most readers will progress to Accelerated Reader for children from later in Year 3 through to Year 6. Further details can be found in our Reading Policy. All children participate in structured Whole Class Guided Reading sessions with their teacher, during which they will be introduced to a wide range of more challenging material covering all reading domains: Vocabulary, Retrieval, Summarising, Inference, Prediction, Text Meaning, Author's Use of Language and Compare and Contrast. Children will also have the opportunity to read in small guided groups.
Pupils have the opportunity to imaginatively write in a variety of genres, inspired by high quality children's literature, putting their learning into practice through guided writing and their own independent pieces; our school magazine is just one way that we celebrate the children's writing.
Grammar and spelling activities are a regular part of the children’s English lessons. Through the texts studied, and a range of practical and formal teaching methods, children are encouraged to identify specific grammar and punctuation features and to incorporate them into their own writing.
A whole school policy for handwriting is aimed at the children progressing towards being able to write smoothly, legibly and neatly, leading to their taking pride in the presentation of all their work. We use Letter Joins across the school and in partnership with Farnborough Infant school. As an added incentive, handwriting medals are awarded to pupils with excellent handwriting and those who have tried hard and made good progress.
Speaking, listening and performing skills are promoted throughout the school and across the curriculum through storytelling, discussion groups, debates, drama lessons and role play. Such opportunities, as well as whole school concerts and shows, provide a valuable means of building confidence and developing the ability to listen to, and appreciate the efforts of others.
Curriculum Intent
We aim to be an outstanding school at the heart of our local community. We want to create a happy, safe, caring and inclusive learning environment where every child will become an independent learner who achieves their full potential. In partnership with families, we will help pupils to become responsible young people who are on a pathway to success.
Curriculum Implementation
English is at the very core of everything we do in our daily lives, our history and our culture. We therefore aim to deliver a curriculum which is broad, imaginative and inspiring as well as including key practical skills. A variety of stimulating learning opportunities help to embed pupils’ prior knowledge and build on it, supporting their progress to the next stage of learning.
Children have the opportunity to take part in drama, discussions and debates and are introduced to a rich variety of texts including the study of classic and modern stories, poetry, diaries, biographies and non-fiction texts. Regular writing tasks enable them to demonstrate in context the new skills and vocabulary they have gained.
English is taught daily to all pupils through carefully planned English lessons which take into account the different needs of members of the class and ensure progression and the delivery of the National Curriculum Programme of Study. Teachers regularly assess pupils to ensure that they are on track to achieve their potential.
Learning is further enhanced by a variety of exciting activities such as World Book Day activities, competitions and visiting authors or theatre companies, inspiring our children to become the readers, writers and performers of the future!
Curriculum Impact
We strive for every child to achieve their full potential in English and develop the curiosity, excitement and skills to prepare them to be ready for their next stage in learning and inspire aspirations for the future career paths.