DT Lead - Alison Kelly
Through a variety of creative and practical activities, pupils at Farnborough are developing the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to engage in the process of designing and making.
They are given the opportunity to use a wide variety of materials and to manipulate tools safely. Children are encouraged to design and plan their work through drawing and discussion and evaluate their models when they are complete. Children study different areas of modern living including food, textiles and construction techniques.
To develop their knowledge, skills and understanding, children also investigate and evaluate a wide range of products. They have the opportunity to visit a local bakery in order to observe food processes in cooking and nutrition.
Week long projects take place in each year group in order to allow children to plan, design and evaluate a wide variety of products.
Year 3 - Food (Healthy Sandwiches/Snacks) Mechanical Systems - levers in cards and Structures
Year 4 - Textiles (Pencil Case), Food (Shortbread) and electrical circuit and switch in product.
Year 5 - WWI Stew, Textiles (Protective case), Moon Buggies
Year 6 - Food (Healthy Pizzas), Structures (Shelters)
Curriculum Intent
We aim to be an outstanding school at the heart of our local community. We want to create a happy, safe, caring and inclusive learning environment where every child will become an independent learner who achieves their full potential. In partnership with families, we will help pupils to become responsible young people who are on a pathway to success.
Curriculum Implementation
Design Technology topics are planned following the requirements of the National Curriculum (2014) and supported by the scheme 'Projects on a Page'.
Through termly topics the children are encouraged to be innovative in the design process and to critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products. They are encouraged, through their topics, to become creative problem solvers.
The practical activities include designing, making, evaluating, technical knowledge, cookery and nutrition.
The skills the children will focus on are:
Year 3 - Levers & Linkages, Shell structures and principles of a healthy and varied diet.
Year 4 - Electrical circuits, textiles, food nutrition and seasonality.
Year 5 - Pulleys and gears, and adapting a savoury recipe and Computer Aided Design..
Year 6 - Food and nutrition a healthy diet, Food and nutrition celebrating culture and seasonality, Strengthening structures.
Curriculum Impact
We strive for every child to achieve their full potential in Design Technology and to prepare pupils to participate in tomorrow's rapidly changing technologies. We want them to be ready for their next stage in learning and inspire aspirations for the future career paths.