Welcome to Class 4/3!
Mrs Croft (Mon, Tues, Wed)
Mrs Allen (Wed PM, Thurs, Fri)
PE & Games: Wednesday (outside) & Thursday (indoor). The children are to come to school in their PE kits
Homework: Given out on a Friday through Class Dojo and/or planner or worksheet - handed in by Wednesday.
Spelling Test: Monday
Reading: Aim to read each night. (Please record pages read and sign your child's planner). Children receive a smiley for each day they read at home.
Contacting us:
You can reach us via the Class Dojo app or alternatively by email or phoning the school office. Messages cannot be monitored during lesson times, if the message is urgent then please phone the school office. We're also available at the end of the school day by our classroom doors if you need to speak to us or to arrange an appointment.