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Farnborough Road Junior SchoolBelonging together, learning together, achieving together


Welcome to Farnborough Road Junior SchoolBelonging together, learning together, achieving together

Class 4/1

School year 2020/21


School year 2019/20

Home Learning

Welcome to Class 4/1!


Teacher: Mr Coughlan

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Collins & Mrs Goulding





Games and PE: Thursday and Friday (swimming starts in Autumn Term)


Spelling Test: Every Thursday


Homework: Aim to read 10 minutes a day, practice Spellings and earn 200 points on TTRockstars.

See the Changes to Homework Policy Letter sent October 2019 with suggested additional activities: 



Class Timetable

Keep In Touch


This website will have lots of pictures and information on throughout the year but the best way to keep in touch is by connecting with me on Class Dojo. Through Class Dojo, I can share photos and let you know what 4/1 have been doing as well as being able to message each other privately about your child.

Handball with Birkdale High School Sports Leaders


Science - straw oboes. Name that tune . . .

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Who were the Anglo-Saxons?

Roman Chester - another attack!!

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Roman Chester - attack!!

Still image for this video

Roman army attacking a defenceless Mr Coughlan

Still image for this video

Diamond Nine activity - children ordered 9 reasons why the Romans invaded Britain from most to least important.

Science - children were given all the resources to make a circuit. Their challenge was to try and make a complete circuit to light up the bulb.

TTRockstars Maths Group!

Electrical safety posters - children created bright and colourful posters to warn of some of the dangers when using electricity.

Hindu Gods - children played a game of Top Trumps to compare and contrast some of the different Gods.

Timeline - children placed the people and events they knew from history onto the timeline. We then looked at The Romans on the timeline.
