We thought it would help you if you could find the answers to frequently asked questions in one, easy place.
Arrival and Departure from School
The school doors open at 8.40am each morning, with the school day starting at 8.50am. The doors will close at 8.55pm each day, at which point children will be classes as 'late' for that day.
All classes leave at 3.20pm.
If your child is absent, you MUST contact the school office via electronic means before 9am on the first day of absence.
We have a detailed attendance section on our website that is available on this link:
What will my child be taught in school?
We have detailed curriculum statements that will tell you what your child will be taught in each year of our school. These can be found using the link below.
We give homework at our school. This link will take you to a section of our website where you should be able to get some help so that you can support your child at home.
How can I buy school uniform?
School Uniform can be purchased in a number of ways:-
What are the catering arrangements for pupils?
We offer a very flexible lunch system that allows children to swap between a school meal and a packed lunch on a daily basis. We have a tasty set menu, with meals all cooked in our own kitchen. The latest menu can be found on this link
This September, children will eat with their class in the canteen. Hot meals will be available as normal.
Packed lunches can be brought into school in a box as normal as we have storage facilities that mean that boxes will not come into contact with other class/children.
Can I speak to my child's teacher?
We try to make staff available as much as possible, but teachers are busy people and not always easy to catch!
Senior staff are on the doors in the morning if you have an urgent message that needs to get into school.
We would ask parents to use Class Dojo in the first instance and then we can arrange for phone calls etc as required.
If you can't make it into school, we have lots of other ways of making contact. These are listed on this link:-
How can I support my child with their Reading?
We have lots of advice and help for reading available elsewhere on this website. Please click the link for full details.
PE and Sport
PE is really important at our school and we want your child to take a full part in the lessons.
Children can wear their PE kit on the days that they have sport as long as it complies with the school uniform policy.
What clubs are on offer?
We hope to operate clubs as normal this school year but and as soon as we have made our plans we will communicate with families in the usual ways.
Once they are up and running again, we will try to offer a full range of clubs in our school. The list can be seen using this link. https://www.farnboroughroadjuniors.co.uk/after-school-clubs/
If we have to cancel a club we will make contact by text as soon as we know, usually at least ONE DAY before. If a club has to be cancelled because of poor weather we will also contact you by text and we will make sure that your child is kept safe in school.
My child has lost their letter/newsletter. Can I have another copy?
We post all letters on our website. All of our letters are now sent home via email as this is a reliable way of making sure that they get to parents. We still provide paper copies of some letters, mostly when there is a tear-off slip required.
You can find our newsletters at https://www.farnboroughroadjuniors.co.uk/stream/newsletters/full/1/-/
and our normal letters at https://www.farnboroughroadjuniors.co.uk/letters/
When is my child swimming?
Children should be able to swim 25m before they leave primary school.
We are going to target Y6 and 5 children in the first instance to make sure that they can all swim before they leave Farnborough Road.
After Christmas, we will then focus on Y4 children to assess their level of need.
We will write to families with more details as the year progresses as change is still possible.
When are the school holidays?
You can find this information by using this link to take you to our School Term and Holiday Dates page;