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Farnborough Road Junior SchoolBelonging together, learning together, achieving together


Welcome to Farnborough Road Junior SchoolBelonging together, learning together, achieving together

Class 6/4


Class Teacher - Mrs Johnstone 

Contact details - via class Dojo or email at

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Knight

School Picnic

Weekly Reminders

Tuesday -      Spelling Test

                     Homework Club 'drop-in'

Wednesday - Homework due in

                     Indoor PE

Thursday -    Games - Outdoor PE kit (black jogging suit and trainers) 

 Friday -        Homework given. Due in on Wednesday; smiley given if brought in on Monday. smiley


6/4's Praise and SEAL children this half term.

A fabulous World War Two day on Friday was had by all.

The children looked amazing dressed as evacuees. They enjoyed making their sugar butties, dancing to the Lindyhop and making their ration books with coupons for their weekly allowances. 
