Dear Parents and Carers,
We received an important letter from Sefton Council after school this evening.
The full letter is available on the link below, but the key things to note are that in all Sefton schools from TOMORROW (Friday 18th September):-
- All adults to wear a face covering when visiting or entering the school premises
- Only one adult to enter the premises for drop off and pick up
- That you arrive and leave promptly when dropping off/ collecting your child – please do not congregate as we know that the virus is easily transmitted from person to person
- We will also be asking that staff wear face coverings when they come out onto the playground.
Our current school plan is working well. Please follow these additional measures so that we can help to stop the spread of the virus.
I will be on the playground in the morning so that you can discuss this with me if required. If you wish to email me this evening, the address to use is
Thank you for your help and support.
Adrian Antell
Sefton Letter re. Face Coverings