Welcome back to the start of a new half term.
With the Government announcing a new lockdown for later this week, I would like to take the opportunity to remind you of a few important things that everyone can do to keep school open as normal.
1. Please keep to arrival and departure times as far as possible. If you have more than one child, please come at the time of your LATEST drop off to minimise your time on site.
2. Only one adult per family group for pick up and drop off.
3. Wear a face covering when on site.
4. Please don’t mingle with others. Follow the signs, keep your distance and keep your time on the school grounds to an absolute minimum.
5. Use electronic means to make contact with school staff wherever possible. Class dojo and email are our preferred options.
School may not be quite as normal, but if we work together we can keep everyone safe and keep the children in school where they belong.
Thank you.
Mr Antell