Reading in School
Reading is the most important thing that we do in school - it is the key to the door for learning across the curriculum and a life skill that we all need to master.
Sadly, there is no ‘reading fairy’ who can just make it all happen. Children get better by reading more and this helps them to increase their vocabulary and fluency.
We have asked all children to read 5 times every week at home and I know that many of you not only do this, but go the extra mile to make it an everyday experience. This is the central part of their weekly homework.
Children read in school in a number of ways, but we’d love to hear them even more.
We’d love to have extra staff to hear children read, but there is just not the money to pay for them! We would therefore like to increase our team of school reading volunteers who come in just to hear children read. It makes a huge difference to children and may even help the volunteer on the pathway to a new career!
If you think you can be a reading volunteer and spare a couple of hours, please email me on and I’ll make sure you get the information that you need. Maybe you could be the person who can unlock a love of reading into a child in our school community?